
Funerals are of course a difficult and often distressing time and above anything else, we want to assure you that we are here to support and care for you in any way we can. That includes planning and delivering the service but equally includes ongoing support for you and your family.

With regards to the funeral itself, very often a first port of call is the funeral director and we can certainly help you find one should you require assistance. The vicar will then meet or call you to discuss what you are hoping the service will look like and how he can best support you.

The service can be at the crematorium, at the church, or both depending on what you’re looking for and there is a very useful website that helps you think about the various elements involved in planning a funeral.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone through this process and we will do everything we can to help you find peace and comfort through this process and beyond.

Please do email the Parish Administrator [email protected] for more information.