
Inspire is a deanery wide initiative, in which a few church leaders with a passion for more contemporary music and a more informal style of worship got together to devise a service that would encourage many of the regular members who wouldn’t necessarily have the opportunity to experience an alternative style of ‘church’. It is also designed to make any new visitors feel as welcome as possible.

The vision for Inspire came about following a conversation with other church leaders recognising that there is very among all the churches that offers genuine all age services with contemporary music. This is hugely important because there is an emotional response to the Jesus. We understand our faith as a relationship, we’re told that the basis of all he did for us was love and when we become Christian we’re told that God pours his love into our hearts… All of these factors point to the importance of an emotional engagement with God. To simply sing songs of love and thanks and praise. It’s fair to say that as wonderful as some of our traditional hymns are in terms of composition and theological depth, they often lack the ability to respond with pure emotion. That’s why it is important to us to provide a service that allows for this.

The services consists of band led music, but there is no pressure to join in. There is a cafe in the church which opens half way through so that people can relax and enjoy the continuing service with a cup of fresh coffee and cake. There is a prayer space where you are able to either be prayed for by our team or be left alone to light candles or do something creative or to simply sit in some quiet space for your own prayer.

Children are very welcome to continue engaging in the sung worship, however if they prefer, there is a toddler zone with play mats, toys and a play house. There are messy church style crafts which are always very creative and engaging for children and for those young people who are perhaps too big for these crafts, there is the opportunity to go to youth focused discussion groups. There really is something for everyone to engage with God and to explore their faith a bit more.

At the moment, Inspire occurs every other month on the 3rd Sunday at 3.30pm. Although these services are on hold until after Lockdown.